YEAR: 2017
DURATION: 4' 55"
MY ROLE: Director, Animator, Music composer, Illustrator
WRITTEN BY: Pierluigi Piantoni - PRODUCED BY: Shiho Oshita Beday (DAISEN LABORATORY) - MUSIC COMPOSED BY: Stefano Buro - MUSIC PERFORMED BY: Sayaka Morita (vocal) - Kumiko Yabu (percussion) - Stefano Buro (guitar) - HISTORICAL ADVISED BY: Kaori Nagao Ashiri Rera Shiho Oshita Beday - Organized by Daisen Laboratory, Tottori Prefecture - Special thanks to: Tottori Mukibanda Yayoi Site, Tema-Hima, nomadoma, Muki house, Fureai no sato Kaarayama,Nagata Sodachi, Kizuki-kai, Daisen Town
The journey in the time of two related spirits through different life forms.
"Shirushi" is an animated video born during the Daisen Animation Project 2017, created by Stefano Buro and Pierluigi Piantoni and produced by Shiho Oshita Beday.
The story is set in Japan during the transition from the Jomon to the Yayoi period: two spirits meet each other in different moment of the time, going beyound the death, in a perpetuum cycle.
The scenes are articulated in a visionary and dreamlike way as if they were interpretations of the cracks of a wild boar's scapula bone, as the Jomon shamans used to do during their propitiatory rites.